Friday, January 13, 2012

Genre Study


La Vie en Rose
The Social Network

Narrative Conventions:
Dramas usually follow the five-arc structure with an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and a resolution.

Other Defining Conventions:
Typical Wardrobe: Depending on the time period, dramas reflect the culture they are coming from. Costumes aren't fantastical but instead exude realism.
Typical Visual Style: Though they reflect reality, dramas often choose to highlight certain details in the environment that adds to the story.
Typical Setting: Location can play a huge role in dramas because they help to define the characters. For example in La Vie en Rose, the film would be less effective if it wasn't set in France.
Typical Historical Setting: Dramas can take in almost any place in time. However, many choose to highlight past events and provide a dramatized version of certain events by creating sympathetic characters and situations
Typical Situations: These films usually outline a conflict early on in the film. This creates the premise for the rest of the film to build off of. Rising action then ensues in which more problems are introduced.


Casino Royale
The Dark Knight
True Grit

Narrative Conventions:
Action/Adventure films usually highlight the physical aspects of acting. There needs to be a lot of action going on. This is what action films do to captivate the audience. Audiences go into action films expecting to be entertained by quick and fast paced sequences as opposed to character building scenes. Most scenes don't need to necessarily add to the characters themselves.

Other Defining Conventions:
Typical Wardrobe: Most protagonists wear flashy and distinguishable clothing or very subdued clothing that would be suited for constant activity. Although many costumes may seem natural, designers pay attention to the practicality of fighting in those outfits.
Typical Visual Style: There is usually lot of camera movement. This is used to create a sense of speed in the action. Tight shots may be used to create a sense of disorientation. Because the protagonists are going to need to go from location to location, attention to production design is more concerned about realism as opposed to adding meaning to the film.
Typical Setting: The setting of action films may span several countries and locations. This is done to create a sense of a larger community in which the hero comes from. Because chase sequences are usually employed, sets are usually very large.
Typical Historical Setting: Many action/adventure films take place during the time the film was made. However, there are films that explore different time periods. There may be dramatized versions of heroes battling what society views as bad historical figures such as Hitler.
Typical Situations: Many times, the protagonists are either reluctant to fight or they are natural bad-asses. The heroes are usually thrown into a situation that are can't control and they fight to regain what they loss. This usually ends in defeating a "bad-guy"


No Country For Old Men
Fight Club

Narrative Conventions: These are usually plot driven films where it is important to explore the minds of the characters. It is important for there to be a focus on the characters themselves as well as keeping information hidden from the audience.

Other Defining Conventions:
Typical Plot: A typical plot would introduce the conflict at the beginning of the film. The protagonist would then spend the rest of the film trying to resolve the conflict. However, they would be thwarted in their attempts many times during the course of the film.
Typical Look or Style: Many thrillers take advantage of the suspension of belief in the film to highlight the visual style of directors. Whether it be in the lighting of the scenes or the color palette that is used, the art directors have a lot of freedom in designing how the film will look.
Typical Setting: Settings in thriller films focus on neo-realist settings. I say this to describe how many of the scenes take place in locations that highlight a sense of uncertainty and suspense. Therefore many sets are claustrophobic and help to show how the character perceives the space around them.
Typical Characters: Characters usually have a very different way of thinking. It is this difference in thought that helps drive the story. The plot usually focus on how this character is different from others and is done so to explore their characters in the process.

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