Monday, February 6, 2012

Ideology in Film

Ideology is a set of beliefs that is shown through different media, including film. These set of beliefs are usually underlying messages present throughout the film and is communicated through various techniques such as the narrative, acting, and production design. Explicit ideology is when the filmmakers state exactly what the film is exploring. This can be seen in the genre of the film when genre specific techniques are implored. For example, a crime film is out right stated to be a film through the production design and the set up of the film. However, implicit ideology is all of the underlying messages that aren't out right stated and can be debatable. Many times these ideologies are unintended and come from the critical analysis of film scholars.

Humphrey Bogart represents an ideological package that film studios were quick to use. He was known for his hard, quick-witted acting style. This was shown through the quick and sharp dialogue that was heard throughout his roles. Although he was cast frequently in his early career as a gangster, he moved past this when he went to film High Sierra, Maltese Falcon, and Casablanca. His roles after Casablanca were tough and strong, yet was trusted filmmakers trusted him his romantic leads as well. Five adjectives to describe Bogart's frequent roles would be quick-witted, strong, tough, vulnerable, and relentless. If Bogart were still alive, his next film role would be that of a man coming from a troubled past. He tries to cope with this burden because he displays such a strong exterior. However, inside he is a truly vulnerable man who longs for redemption.

A film I really like is La Vie en Rose where Marion Cotillard stars as the late famous French singer, Edith Piaf. I really like this character because the audience has the chance to watch her evolve from a naive girl, to a strong woman, all while retaining her vulnerability. Being a bio-pic, the filmmaker's choice of including events that span her entire life work to develop her not only as a singer, but more essentially as a woman. By exploring the struggles that women handle day-to-day through a different frame, the filmmakers are able to relate to the audience. Some values that this film works to promote is the importance of having love in your life. Although Edith physically deteriorates in the film, the love that she holds to her deathbed assures the audience that she was content as she passed. As an audience member, my feelings are manipulated to prefer her view over others is through the extensive investment we have with Edith. We've seen her struggles and tribulation, yet she has overcome them all. The audience becomes so invested in her character that we are able to sympathize with her. The filmmaker may want the audience to consider an ideology over another in order to communicate their own ideas. However, the expectations of the audience is important when considering this film. Because Edith was such a beloved singer, the filmmakers are obligated to portray Piaf's positive characteristics as well as interesting events in her life that would be new and fresh for the audience. These pressures are also put on by film studios because the financial aspects of the film require that the subject matter in the film is insured success.

Some ideologies are cemented into how certain narratives are told. However the problem arises when there are shifts in these ideologies. As a result the narrative style shifts accordingly. For example, films that operated under the ideology that the world is going to end in a nuclear war (seen during the Cold War), would change due to the passing of the nuclear crisis past the 1990s. No longer were films constructed with tensions surrounding the end of the world. However, films like these have resurfaced in the form of disaster films. This is in response to the Mayan calendar ending in 2012.

In most cases, the ideologies aren't immediately felt. This is because it has been weaved through various aspects of the film, making it hard to detect. However, in films like Triumph of the Will by Leni Riefenstahl, the effects are more glaring. This is because the ideology departs so far from ideologies that would be considered the norm in current-day society.

Suspension of disbelief is when the reality in a film is accepted although it may be vastly different from reality. For example, fist fights in films last a long time while in reality, they may take only seconds. The audience accepts this because it helps to create the diegesis of the film. However, the filmmakers must be mindful of suspending reality before the audience begins to disregard the reality of the films. An example of this would be in Casablanca where the plane takes flight in a matter of seconds while in real-life, it would take much longer.

The influence of film studios on the ideologies of films is irrefutable. However there are certainly varying levels of influence. For example, films under famed directors like Hitchcock and Kubrick would operate more so on the ideologies of the creative filmmakers then the financial backers of the film. However, studios often times dictate how films end in order to do what they believe as to satisfy the audience. This is why there are "Directors Cuts".

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